

Towing Tank


Basin experiments for models of marine-based shipping vessels are an extremely important step in understanding the behavior of those vessels on the open sea. The testing basin at the University of Osaka's Graduate School of Engineering was put in place in 1970, and has since yielded a volume of results in the field of marine engineering.

The basin is 100m in length, 7.8m in width and 4.35m in depth, making it a mid-sized experimental basin (for more details, refer to the facility specifications). The upper part of the basin is outfitted with a towing carriage, the rear of the basin has a plunger-method wave generator and the front of the basin has a wave-breaking beach.

It is primarily used to evaluate a vessel's durability, its motility in water, and its operability, as well as the wave-resistance of objects built for use in the ocean. Of late, however, there have been more and more boating accidents caused by waves, and additional testing specific to a vessel's safety has also become necessary. In addition, research has begun on the use of space above water, as for floating airports, etc., and we believe that the contributions offered by the results of testing with this basin will continue to grow in importance for society as a whole.

  • 画像Overview
  • 画像Towing Carriage
  • 画像Wave Generator
  • 画像
  • 船舶海洋試験水槽の大阪府北部地震(2018年6月18日)からの復旧が完了し,その復旧事業完了記念冊子が発行されました。左の画像またはここをクリックすると記念冊子のPDFファイルをダウンロードできます。2011年以降の教育・研究業績リストや水槽実験による研究成果の簡単な紹介も含めています。


Part Description
Basin 100m in length, 7.8m in width and 4.35m in depth
Rail 50kg rail, with machine-finished upper and lateral surfaces, sheet-welded joints
Towing Carriage 7.4m in length, 7.8m in width, 6.4m wheel base
steel box and guarder structure, 20t total mass
4 AC7KW motors
running speed: 0.01 to 3.5m/s
speed is controlled with a digital IGBT-PWM system
speed setting precision is at ±0.2mm/s or lower, with a speed stability of 1mm/s rms at 1m/s
Wave Generator plunger method, 2 11KW motors
maximum generated wave height: 500mm; wave length: 0.5 to 15m
irregular wave patterns can be generated via a remote control
Wave Absorber a fixed small gridiron beach is at the basin's end, with movable beaches along its sides
Filter 40t/h capacity (circulating)